Lolita ★★★★☆
1962 Stanley Kubrick
監督はStanley Kubrick 白黒映画。ついつい感情が入ってしまう。
Lolitaに恋をしてしまったHumbert Humbert 恋は盲目?
Lolita役のSue Lyonのその後の人生にも注目。結構ひどい。
With a screenplay penned by the author himself,Stanley Kubrick brings Vladimir Nabokov's controversial tale of forbidden love to the screen. Humbert Humbert is a European professor who relocates to an American suburb,renting a room from lonely widow Charlotte,but only to nurture his obsession with her comely teenage daughter,Lolita. After Charlotte's sudden death,Humbert has Lolita all to himself or does he?