Scent of a Woman
Scent of a Woman ★★★★☆
1992 Martin Brest
人生に悲観し、ふて腐れた孤独な盲目の退役軍人Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade。
Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade=Al Pachinoの瞳を動かさない壮絶な演技。
Donna=Gabrielle Anwarとのダンスシーンが印象的。
Ferrari Mondial Tが劇中に出てくる。美しい。Testarossaと同じ時代。
Frank is a retired Lt. Col. in the US army. He's blind and impossible to get along with. Charlie is at school and is looking forward to going to college. To help pay for a trip home for Christmas, he agrees to look after Frank over Thanksgiving. Frank's niece says this will be easy money, but she didn't reckon on Frank spending his Thanksgiving in New York.